Policy Owners Resources

A campus policy should be developed when (a) there is a need to further constrain or implement UC Presidential policy, (b) there is a need to further constrain or implement relevant laws and regulations, or (c) a division or unit would like to set the direction for other campus units or the community to comply with requirements. Please see the link below to make a copy of the master Policy Development Toolkit for the required document suite. You must have a UCSC login to access this information.

1. Determine Need

  • Analyze the need for a new policy.
  • Check existing policies and procedure manuals (i.e., divisional, campus, and systemwide)
  • If new or revisions to exisitng delegation(s) of authority are required, consult the Delegations of Authority process.
  • Check with the Policy Coordination Office for context, background, and related policies.
  • Form a working group with subject-matter-experts to draft policy text.

2. Develop & Draft

  • Workgroup develops draft policy using templates in the Policy Development Toolkit.
  • Work closely with PCO to identify affected parties and appropriate review bodies.
  • The Policy Coordination Office reviews the policy for clarity, conformity, and consistency.
  • Consult with and consider the feedback of stakeholders and leaders who have a substantive interest in the policy and its implementation or impact.

3. Socialize & Disseminate

  • Provide a review period for required reviewers and affected parties. See full guidance for more details on planning for the consultations.
  • The Policy Coordination Office facilitates CPEVC review and approval.
  • The Policy Cooridnation Office publishes the final policy.
  • The Policy Owner provides outreach and training to affected parties.

4. Maintain & Monitor

  • Implement, enforce, and monitor policy effectiveness.
  • Review and revise policy according to the required timeline, typically every 2-5 years.
  • Submit a technical review for approval for non-substantive updates.
  • Serve as contact for questions.
  • Rescind policy if no longer needed.

Guidance on the Campuswide Administrative Policy and Procedure Approval Process

This document provides Policy Sponsors and Policy Owners guidance to ensure a consistent, inclusive, and transparent vetting and approval process for administrative policies affecting a broad range of the campus community by defining roles and responsibilities, processes, and communication requirements in the absence of a systemwide policy on policies.

Guidance on Presidential Policy Review and Issuance

This guidance ensures the UC Santa Cruz community is provided the opportunity to review and provide feedback on proposed systemwide policies, and to ensure feedback is delivered to the responsible office in a clear, consistent, and unified manner; and that the feedback is maintained in the campuses policy administration archive, UC Santa Cruz has established a standard practice for the vetting and dissemination of Presidential Policies. The Presidential ‘Policy on Policies‘ Establishing and Mainintaing Presidential Policies describes the UC approval process for Presidential policies and sets out the general rules and responsibilities for the development, review, and ownership of Presidential Policies. This policy also describes the required steps for policy development, review, and approval for adoption of new policies, revision of current policies, and rescission of existing policies; and outlines required consultation with the Academic Senate, Academic Personnel and Programs staff, Human Resources, and students.

University of California, Presidential Policy Style Guide

This guide is designed to assist UC Policy Owners with standard writing practices that build consistency across all Presidential policies, encourage clarity, and reduce technical loopholes. Policy documents are not marketing documents or creative writing pieces. Policy materials must be thoughtfully worded to clearly explain how to operate within the requirements with minimal confusion, errors, or risk of non-compliance. Policy documents should enable the reader to:

  • Identify the directives,
  • understand the requirements; and
  • implement practices that support the University’s mission of teaching, research, and public service
    within the constraints of the law, external obligations, and University policy.

UC Santa Cruz, Policy Development Kit

The Policy Development Toolkit assembles templates of the required documents in one suite in order of the actions required to formulate a campus policy. A UC Santa Cruz login is required to access this information. 

The Policy Coordination Office (PCO) assists Policy Owners in navigating the campuswide administrative policy and procedure approval processes, ensures consistency and provides technical support in the writing of policies and procedures, analyzes policies in the systemwide context, acts as quality control agent on behalf of the CP/EVC. Please contact Diane Lallemand, diane@ucsc.edu, for a briefing or to help your unit manage the entire process end to end.

Last modified: Sep 24, 2024