
Diane Lallemand

If you see me on campus, give me a wave!

Diane Lallemand

diane@ucsc.edu / pco@ucsc.edu

This site is designed to make policy, procedures, and delegation of authority information widely accessible so that members of the campus community can make informed decisions and stay aligned with university goals and interests as they execute their daily administrative processes.

Official campus policies and procedures serve as a basis for repeatable processes that persist through changes in staffing, adhere to law and other university policies, and provide a basis for individual and departmental accountability. Clear and accessible policies reduce rework and the waste of time, labor, and frustration.

The Policy Coordination Office
The Policy Coordination Office (PCO) assists Policy Owners in navigating the campuswide administrative policy and procedure approval processes, ensures consistency and provides technical support in the writing of policies and procedures, analyzes policies in the systemwide context, and acts as quality control agent on behalf of the CP/EVC. The PCO is the office of record for the campuswide administrative policy and delegation of authority documents (active and inactive); and provides access to active documents on the Policy Coordination website.

Writers Resources and Toolkit
The PCO officers a Google Toolkit and Style Guide for policy developers. Developers can request the Google Toolkit from Diane Lallemand, diane@ucsc.edu or pco@ucsc.edu.

Last modified: Oct 16, 2024